Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Painting Madness and New Shoes

I've been on a mission to get the rest of the addition painted this week. I painted the master bathroom and ALL the white in the last few days.

Today I taped and painted the accent wall in our new bedroom. It still needs another coat, but it's starting to look really nice!

I decided it probably wasn't the smartest thing in the world to be teaching classes in my retired running shoes. My calves/shins have been unhappy with me lately, even with my zero week, so I'm wondering if that's a contributing factor. I ordered a new pair of work shoes while I was stuck on the couch last week.

I also got new running shoes and promptly realized that my pink Saucony Zealots might be on their last leg, even though they only have about 300 miles on them. Comparing the new ones to the old ones really shows how much they've broken down.

New shoes are so pretty!

And because no post is complete without Buddy:


  1. I love getting new running shoes! I'm due for a pair in the next couple of weeks so they'll be broken in in time for Seattle.

    1. New shoes are always exciting, and great motivation! :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! It looks better with the second coat. It will be the wall with the headboard of the bed on it, so it won't be quite so intense either :)

  3. The place where I bought my current running shoes keeps emailing me saying its time for NEW ones! How do they know?? Buddy always know how to make himself comfy.

    1. Maybe they're following your blog! ;) Buddy is the king of comfy. I only wish I could nap like him.


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