Monday, February 27, 2017

Indoor Cooking!

I haven't really been running the last week. Getting sick really wiped me out, and after teaching my classes in the mornings, I haven't had a lot of energy left for anything else.

I did get a decent run in on Saturday, and am planning on jumping back into my half marathon training this week. It's easy to say that on a Monday - those are cross training days.

I did yoga.

Scout looks enormous in every picture I take these days.

He and Buddy have been enjoying the freakishly warm weather we've been having lately. They love the sun!

And in house news, we can finally cook inside!

That's right, we're civilized now. ;)

Monday, February 20, 2017

Running Things

I was trying to get this posted sometime last week, but was swiftly taken out by a fever last Thursday. After spending the entire weekend on the couch, the fever is finally gone and I almost feel human again. It's still going to be a couple of days before I even think about trying to run, but at least I can leave the couch for more than a few minutes at a time now.


I don't really have many fun "seen on my run" type pictures from recent runs, partially because I've been busy running instead of stopping to take pictures, and partially because a lot of those miles have been on the treadmill.

I did manage to pause long enough to take these last week.

I'm in the middle of training for the Sleepy Hollow Half Marathon at the end of March. This will be my third time running this race, and it is my current half PR. After the disappointment of last year's marathon finish, I'm just hoping to enjoy the race and finish strong.

I am not going to be doing a ton of racing this year. My focus is on building strength (injury prevention) and running a successful marathon in the fall.

This year I will be mixing things up and running a new (to me) marathon - The Newport Marathon in Rhode Island. I have never been to Rhode Island, but the course sounds beautiful and it's not a bad drive from our house.

I'm also going to be following a new training plan this year. Previously I have used Hal Higdon plans, and while they worked just fine, I'm interested to see how this new training works for me. I will be following Coach Jay Johnson's Simple Marathon Training. It's a 20 week plan that includes strength and mobility (SAM) exercises and a weekly brisk walk, along with the usual things you expect to find in a marathon training plan (running and cross training).

For now though, I just need to finish recovering from this bug so I can get back to normal life again.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Long Time No Post


Well, I definitely did not plan on taking quite such a long break from blogging, but here we are.

Some things that have happened since we last talked:

I ran the Sleepy Hollow 10k right before Halloween. It was raining, but it was actually a lot of fun. Mostly I just wanted to share my costume. Laziest costume ever, and I have to say, it's pretty fun to run with a cape!

Tom built a new wood shed. It's pretty fancy. 

Tom convinced me to try some cycling. I started in running shoes and my old roller derby helmet, and now have an actual bike helmet and fancy cycling shoes. I just started liking it when winter hit, so I haven't ridden in a while. I will definitely be picking it up again this spring!

I can use my treadmill again! Tom got an indoor trainer for his bike, so we have a little workout area out in the garage now. It's not exactly climate controlled, so there are days I'm out there in a jacket and gloves, but I love having it as an option. Plus I really do enjoy a little Netflix and treadmill time.

Tom also convinced me to try skiing! I have taken a few lessons, and have moved from the "carpets" to actually taking the chairlifts and ever so slowly making my way down the green (easy) runs.

Aaaaand Scout has gotten huge. The last time we weighed him he was about 70lbs. He's lighter, but taller than Buddy now. He will be a year old next month, so he's probably not going to get much bigger.

I'm not making any promises about how consistently I am going to be posting, but I am going to make an effort to post more often than once every 3 months ;) 


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