Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wall Drug

After being nagged by billboards since Wyoming we decided to stop at Wall Drug on Tuesday. What started as a drug store offering free ice water to attract highway traffic is now a big tourist stop. They have a cafe, several gift shops with everything from keychains to cowboy boots, and of course, a drugstore. There was also an 80 foot dinosaur on the side of the highway with no explanation.

The drive through southern South Dakota into Nebraska wasn't anything too exciting, lots of fields. We were surprised by the fact northern Nebraska has sand dunes though. Miles and miles of them.

North Platte, Nebraska didn't have a wide range of options for my birthday dinner but we went and had some tasty Mexican food and maragritas to celebrate.

Today we are heading to Wamego, Kansas so that tomorrow before we leave I can drag Tom to the Wizard of Oz museum they have there.

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